Anissa Said

Anissa Said

Registered Veterinary Nurse

I aspire to be a vet nurse and looking to reach that goal in the near future.

For the past couple of years, I have been travelling to various locations around the world volunteering in different sanctuaries aiding various animals from snakes to koalas and birds. I was able to experience first hand the pressures of extinction on the conservation of these animals.

I have chosen to work at Village Vet because the beauty of a science-based career to me, is the constant need to learn new things. Science is changing every day and so, there is always a need to be adaptable in the way we think and interpret information.

I enjoy the relationships we build with the animals and being emotionally available to providing comfort as it is vital for their wellbeing.

accreditation cfc 23 gold
accreditation dfc
accreditation cfc 23 silver
accreditation iie 23 bronze
accreditation cfc 23 bronze