Sophie Jennings

Sophie Jennings

Lead Registered Veterinary Nurse

I have worked within the veterinary industry since 2018 and qualified as a veterinary nurse at the end of 2020. I have worked in small and large general practice as well as a referral practice. I joined Village Vet in May 2023, and have a split role between Royston and Whittlesford. I like this role as it gives me a perfect balance of a small family like practice and a larger, more surgical based practice. I like all parts of nursing but do enjoy ECC when I have to put my knowledge and skills to the test.

In my spare time I enjoy seeing family and friends, going on walks and pottering in my garden.

accreditation cfc 23 gold
accreditation dfc
accreditation cfc 23 silver
accreditation iie 23 bronze
accreditation cfc 23 bronze